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2024 Missions Trips

Ukrainian Children help

Ukrainian Children help

Ministered at El Mesias Church in Patzicia, Guatemala.

Conducted GHN seminars to young leaders under Pastor Gregorio's leadership in Patzicia, Guatemala

Ministered at El Mesias Church in Patzicia, Guatemala.

Many surrendered to Christ.

Many surrendered to Christ.

Ministered to young leaders at Path Community Church in Seoul, Korea

Ministered to young leaders at Path Community Church in Seoul, Korea

During the altar call at Church of the Savior in Lexington, KY

During the altar call at Church of the Savior.

During the altar call at Church of the Savior in Lexington, KY

Ministered at several different churches in Bulgaria (June 2024).

Ministered at several different churches in Bulgaria (June 2024).
2023 Missions Trips

Conducted a GHN seminar course for 40 Costa Rican pastors.

Prayed for those who gave their lives to Christ at a local church in Prez Zeledon, Costa Rica.

Prayed for those who rededicated their lives to Christ.

Conducted a GHN seminar course for 40 Costa Rican pastors.

Prayed for those who gave their lives to Christ and needed healing and deliverance at Community of Faith Church in Bogota, Colombia

During the altar call, many were touched by the power of God and received their healings.

Over 80 other leaders from 8 different countries joined the teaching via the Zoom video call.

Prayed for those who gave their lives to Christ and needed healing and deliverance at Community of Faith Church in Bogota, Colombia

We prayed together with the Korean Prayer team and other pastors at the First Landing Site Cross.

Equipped young leaders with the second sets of four GHN courses in July.

Equipped young leaders with the second sets of four GHN courses in July.

Ministered at Ethnos Church in Ternopil, Ukraine (Aug. 2023)

Dr. Lee led them to Christ.

Ministered at Ethnos Church in Ternopil, Ukraine (Aug. 2023)

At Kingfisher Church in Malaysia.

2022 Missions Trips

Dr. Lee ministering at New Life Church in Destin, FL

Dr. Lee ministering at New Life Church in Destin, FL

Dr. Lee ministering at RLM Ecclesia Home group

Dr. Lee ministering at New Life Church in Destin, FL

Dr. Lee ministering at Pastor Sergii's church in Warsaw, Poland (Maria translating his message).

Dr. Lee ministering at Pastor Sergii's church in Warsaw, Poland (Maria translating his message).

At Przemysl Polish border Refugee center.

Dr. Lee ministering at Pastor Sergii's church in Warsaw, Poland (Maria translating his message).

Ministering to a young lady at a Ukrainian church in Warsaw.

Leading a Ukrainian young refugee to the Lord in Warsaw city center.

Providing the necessities to a Ukrainian refugee lady in Krakow.

Ministering to a young lady at a Ukrainian church in Warsaw.

Ukrainian refugees picking up their necessities at a warehouse in Warsaw.

Ukrainian refugees lined up to get some soup and lunch at a church food tent in Krakow.

Ukrainian refugees picking up their necessities at a warehouse in Warsaw.

With Pastor Andrii in Krakow.

Ministering to refugees in Warsaw.

Ethnos church providing meals for the refugees.

With Pastor Andrii in Krakow.
2021 Missions Trips

Conducting the Missions Conference at Ethnos Church in Ternopil

Conducting the Missions Conference at Ethnos Church in Ternopil

Dr. Lee ministered at World Outreach Worship Center (WOWC) on the New Year's (2021) Eve Service in Newport News, VA.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at New Life Church on Feb. 9th in Destin, FL.

While visiting with sister Dar (center) and Tim Zook. Dar was one of the RLM Board members for 18 years and she went to be with the Lord in March. We miss her greatly.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at New Life Church on Feb. 9th in Destin, FL.

Dr. Lee created seven World Missions Equipping Courses in English and Russian with Anna Avylova in Ukraine from Jan. to March.

Dr. Lee also regularly mentors disciples from different States in the U.S.

Dr. Lee and Margarita ministered at Victory Center in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica from March 20 to 29, 2021.

With Pastor Yemil and Andrea (black shirt) and Pastor Keina.

Dr. Lee and Margarita ministered at Victory Center in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica from March 20 to 29, 2021.

Since last August 2020, RLM and DHF (Door of Hope Foundation) have been supporting the building project of the Children's Home in Kremenchuk, Ukraine.

The interior of the Children's Center when I visited them in Nov. 2020.

Since last August 2020, RLM and DHF (Door of Hope Foundation) have been supporting the building project of the Children's Home in Kremenchuk, Ukraine.
2020 Missions Trips

It was Dr. Lee's great honor to speak at the "All for Jesus Unity Walk" at the board walk in Virginia Beach on July 18.

It was Dr. Lee's great honor to speak at the "All for Jesus Unity Walk" at the board walk in Virginia Beach on July 18.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at New Life Church in Destin, FL.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at New Life Church in Destin, FL.

Rock Church parking lot in Virginia Beach on June 3rd.

Dr. Lee and Margarita took part in "All for Jesus" "Racial Reconciliation Event" at Rock Church. It was their great honor and joy to speak at the event and for Margarita to take part in the Foot Washing Ceremony for His glory! The Virginia Beach Mayor, Bobby Dyer also spoke at this event.

It was organized by the inspiration of Pastors Mike and Angel Masters, organized by Pastor John Blanchard, pastor of Rock Church, and carried out by the leadership of Pastors Neverett and Kamala Yarbough. Dr. Lee was one of six speakers at this event.

Rock Church parking lot in Virginia Beach on June 3rd.

March 12-15, 2020 Harvest Assembly of God Church Chesapeake, VA

March 12-15, 2020 Harvest Assembly of God Church Chesapeake, VA

March 5, 2020 International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) Hampton, VA

March 5, 2020 International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) Hampton, VA

WAVE Leadership College (WLC) Virginia Beach, VA

WAVE Leadership College (WLC) Virginia Beach, VA

February 2019 Virginia Beach, VA

February 2019 Virginia Beach, VA

Cuba January 2020

Cuba January 2020
2019 Missions Trips

The Holy Spirit moved in His divine power to save over 60 people and healed over 40 people from their various sicknesses.

Bogotá, Colombia

The Holy Spirit moved in His divine power to save over 60 people and healed over 40 people from their various sicknesses.

In Myanmar, 15 selected indigenous Missions Mobilizers, who are actively engaged in evangelizing the Unreached People Groups (UPGs), were equipped through the GHN seminars.

Conducting the GHN seminars to missions leaders in Yangon.

In Myanmar, 15 selected indigenous Missions Mobilizers, who are actively engaged in evangelizing the Unreached People Groups (UPGs), were equipped through the GHN seminars.

October 2019 Singapore

Dr. Lee with some of the young church leaders

October 2019 Singapore

Virginia, USA September 2019

64 detainees from 15 different countries gave their lives to Christ during the first 45 minutes of the first lesson “How to walk in God’s kingdom authority and power.”

Virginia, USA September 2019

Lynchburg, VA September 4 & 7th

During the two services Sep. 4 & 7th, the Holy Spirit came and healed, empowered and filled the body of Christ to do the work of Christ in their own Jerusalem to the end of the earth for His glory.

Lynchburg, VA September 4 & 7th

Dr. Lee ministered to Living Faith Christian Fellowship in Virginia Beach, VA

Dr. Lee ministered to Living Faith Christian Fellowship in Virginia Beach, VA

Pastor Roman invited Dr. lee to come and minister at his church on July 13-14. He also runs a Drug Rehab center. During the Sunday morning service over 20 drug addicts gave their lives to the Lord.

Pastor Roman invited Dr. lee to come and minister at his church on July 13-14. He also runs a Drug Rehab center. During the Sunday morning service over 20 drug addicts gave their lives to the Lord.

Ternopil and Kiev, Ukraine July 2019

Ternopil and Kiev, Ukraine July 2019

July 2019 Ternopil, Ukraine

July 2019 Ternopil, Ukraine

June 2019 Dayton, OH

Dr. Lee ministered and during each altar call the Holy Spirit's divine deliverance, healing and impartation came upon the congregation.

Maranatha Worship Center (MWC) June 2019 Dayton, OH

June 2019 Dayton, OH

Spain May 2019

Spain May 2019

Rock Church International May 2, 2019

Rock Church International May 2, 2019

Virginia Beach, VA Jan. 24-27, 2019

Virginia Beach, VA Jan. 24-27, 2019

Living Faith Christian Center Virginia Beach, VA January 12, 2019

Living Faith Christian Center Virginia Beach, VA January 12, 2019

WOWC Newport News, VA January 1, 2019

A man came with a Native American attire and danced in traditional style during the worship time.

WOWC Newport News, VA January 1, 2019
2018 Missions Trips

Dr. Lee conducted the GHN Conference in Seminole, Fl January 12-15.

Dr. Lee conducting the GHN Conference.

Dr. Lee with the conference participants.

Dr. Lee conducted the GHN Conference in Seminole, Fl January 12-15.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at Living Faith Christian Fellowship April 13, 2018.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at Living Faith Christian Fellowship April 13, 2018.

Dr. Lee lead the revival meetings at Bethel Christian Center in Durham, NC from March 2 to 4.

Dr. Lee ministering at the Sunday morning service.

Dr. Lee lead the revival meetings at Bethel Christian Center in Durham, NC from March 2 to 4.

April 13, 2018 Dr. Lee ministered at Bridge Church in Virginia Beach, VA.

April 13, 2018 Dr. Lee ministered at Bridge Church in Virginia Beach, VA.

April 19-22 Dr. Lee trained church leaders with three GHN seminar courses. Over 7 people with back pain were totally healed during the three day ministries.

Vasil and his wife Ola cam from Ternopil to assist Dr. Lee in teaching the GHN courses.

April 19-22 Dr. Lee trained church leaders with three GHN seminar courses. Over 7 people with back pain were totally healed during the three day ministries.

Pastor Vasiliy invited Dr. Lee to minister at Restoration Church at the Sunday morning service.

Pastor Vasiliy invited Dr. Lee to minister at Restoration Church at the Sunday morning service.

April 23-27, Dr. Lee conducted the GHN Conference at a Mission school.

April 23-27, Dr. Lee conducted the GHN Conference at a Mission school.

Kiev, Ukraine July 2018

Kiev, Ukraine July 2018

May 17-29 Dr. Lee and Margarita ministered at four different churches in Colombia.

Efrain rejoicing over the healing of his deaf ears.

May 17-29 Dr. Lee and Margarita ministered at four different churches in Colombia.

Virginia June 2018

Inmates surrendering their lives to Christ.

Virginia June 2018

July 15th & 22nd at the Sunday morning services, Dr. Lee ministered at Ethnos Church.

July 15th & 22nd at the Sunday morning services, Dr. Lee ministered at Ethnos Church.

July 16-20 Ternopil, Ukraine

Dr. Lee ministered to over 100 young people who came from all over Ukraine, South Africa, and Belarus at the Youth in Action Camp.

This was Dr. Lee's fifth trip to Ukraine to raise young leaders to be engaged in expanding the Kingdom of God.

July 16-20 Ternopil, Ukraine

Ternopil, Ukraine July 2018

Over 80 leaders from Ethnos Church attended the GHN Leadership Part 1 & Part 2 seminars.

Ternopil, Ukraine July 2018

WOWC2 Newport, News, VA September 2018

WOWC2 Newport, News, VA September 2018

Newport News, VA September 2018

Newport News, VA September 2018

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2024 Missions Trips

Ukrainian Children help

Ukrainian Children help

Ministered at El Mesias Church in Patzicia, Guatemala.

Conducted GHN seminars to young leaders under Pastor Gregorio's leadership in Patzicia, Guatemala

Ministered at El Mesias Church in Patzicia, Guatemala.

Many surrendered to Christ.

Many surrendered to Christ.

Ministered to young leaders at Path Community Church in Seoul, Korea

Ministered to young leaders at Path Community Church in Seoul, Korea

During the altar call at Church of the Savior in Lexington, KY

During the altar call at Church of the Savior.

During the altar call at Church of the Savior in Lexington, KY

During the altar call at Church of the Savior in Lexington, KY

During the altar call at Church of the Savior.

During the altar call at Church of the Savior in Lexington, KY
2023 Missions Trips

Conducted a GHN seminar course for 40 Costa Rican pastors.

Prayed for those who gave their lives to Christ at a local church in Prez Zeledon, Costa Rica.

Prayed for those who rededicated their lives to Christ.

Conducted a GHN seminar course for 40 Costa Rican pastors.

Prayed for those who gave their lives to Christ and needed healing and deliverance at Community of Faith Church in Bogota, Colombia

During the altar call, many were touched by the power of God and received their healings.

Over 80 other leaders from 8 different countries joined the teaching via the Zoom video call.

Prayed for those who gave their lives to Christ and needed healing and deliverance at Community of Faith Church in Bogota, Colombia

We prayed together with the Korean Prayer team and other pastors at the First Landing Site Cross.

Equipped young leaders with the second sets of four GHN courses in July.

Equipped young leaders with the second sets of four GHN courses in July.

Ministered at Ethnos Church in Ternopil, Ukraine (Aug. 2023)

Dr. Lee led them to Christ.

Ministered at Ethnos Church in Ternopil, Ukraine (Aug. 2023)

At Kingfisher Church in Malaysia.

2022 Missions Trips

Dr. Lee ministering at New Life Church in Destin, FL

Dr. Lee ministering at New Life Church in Destin, FL

Dr. Lee ministering at RLM Ecclesia Home group

Dr. Lee ministering at New Life Church in Destin, FL

Dr. Lee ministering at Pastor Sergii's church in Warsaw, Poland (Maria translating his message).

Dr. Lee ministering at Pastor Sergii's church in Warsaw, Poland (Maria translating his message).

At Przemysl Polish border Refugee center.

Dr. Lee ministering at Pastor Sergii's church in Warsaw, Poland (Maria translating his message).

Ministering to a young lady at a Ukrainian church in Warsaw.

Leading a Ukrainian young refugee to the Lord in Warsaw city center.

Providing the necessities to a Ukrainian refugee lady in Krakow.

Ministering to a young lady at a Ukrainian church in Warsaw.

Ukrainian refugees picking up their necessities at a warehouse in Warsaw.

Ukrainian refugees lined up to get some soup and lunch at a church food tent in Krakow.

Ukrainian refugees picking up their necessities at a warehouse in Warsaw.

With Pastor Andrii in Krakow.

Ministering to refugees in Warsaw.

Ethnos church providing meals for the refugees.

With Pastor Andrii in Krakow.
2021 Missions Trips

Conducting the Missions Conference at Ethnos Church in Ternopil

Conducting the Missions Conference at Ethnos Church in Ternopil

Dr. Lee ministered at World Outreach Worship Center (WOWC) on the New Year's (2021) Eve Service in Newport News, VA.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at New Life Church on Feb. 9th in Destin, FL.

While visiting with sister Dar (center) and Tim Zook. Dar was one of the RLM Board members for 18 years and she went to be with the Lord in March. We miss her greatly.

Dr. Lee was invited to minister at New Life Church on Feb. 9th in Destin, FL.

Dr. Lee created seven World Missions Equipping Courses in English and Russian with Anna Avylova in Ukraine from Jan. to March.

Dr. Lee also regularly mentors disciples from different States in the U.S.

Dr. Lee and Margarita ministered at Victory Center in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica from March 20 to 29, 2021.

With Pastor Yemil and Andrea (black shirt) and Pastor Keina.

Dr. Lee and Margarita ministered at Victory Center in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica from March 20 to 29, 2021.

Since last August 2020, RLM and DHF (Door of Hope Foundation) have been supporting the building project of the Children's Home in Kremenchuk, Ukraine.

The interior of the Children's Center when I visited them in Nov. 2020.

Since last August 2020, RLM and DHF (Door of Hope Foundation) have been supporting the building project of the Children's Home in Kremenchuk, Ukraine.
2020 Missions Trips

It was Dr. Lee's great honor to speak at the "All for Jesus Unity Walk" at the board walk in Virginia Beach on July 18.

It was Dr. Lee's great honor to speak at the "All for Jesus Unity Walk" at the board walk in Virginia Beach on July 18.